So I thought I was finished with colors last week, but I still had some projects I wanted to finish up. This class is loving mixing colors. Many years I make the Rainbow Stew which is a lot of fun, but this year I opted out because I need to move on. We have done some fun color mixing projects though. Today we finished up with the icing mixing. With one can of icing we mix the three primary colors of icing in plastic bags:
We then mixed the different color combos to form the new colors. Just clip a hole in the corner of the ziplock back and it's super easy to squeeze the color out. I used Graham Crackers this year because I had some left from snack. Many years I use vanilla wafers, or some kind of small cookie. We used popsicle sticks as a knife to spread, and I'm even so cheap that I gave them half a plate to work on, they really didn't need a whole big plate.

We then mixed the different color combos to form the new colors. Just clip a hole in the corner of the ziplock back and it's super easy to squeeze the color out. I used Graham Crackers this year because I had some left from snack. Many years I use vanilla wafers, or some kind of small cookie. We used popsicle sticks as a knife to spread, and I'm even so cheap that I gave them half a plate to work on, they really didn't need a whole big plate.
This is a great color mixing video I found. It is Sesame Street and my students loved it. I liked it too and we have watched it a couple of times now.
Odds and Ends:
We worked on the Brown Bear independent reader. They were excited to take these home and read them to their families:
You can print the book at:
making learning fun just click here
They also have all kinds of other fun Brown Bear activities.
We also graphed our favorite Brown Bear animals on a large class graph. I made copies of the animals from the book above. I then let the students choose their favorite animal, color it, and add it to the graph.
Other Color centers:
So This maybe the student's favorite color center. It is also great for fine motor skills as well!
I put out the 3 primary colors of dyed water. Then students use the eye dropper so suck up the water and transfer it to their container. In their containers they can mix and experiment with the different colors. The eye droppers I ordered from a school supply store, but you can also get them on amazon. I got the containers from a conference I went to. You could use any type of sectioned containers- or the cupcake holders that student's bring for birthdays. You can see I cut apart the cups from the cupcakes and use them for painting or other projects.
Here's how we graphed our favorite colors. It was a big hit with the kids. It really scared me though- looking at how some of these kids write their names still... ugh, we have a lot of work to do still.
Love your colour graph. Awesome!